Communal Kitchen
The Communal Kitchen is a huge undertaking cause everyone has to eat. We need your support in making this happen. This is a Community that feeds each other physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. No one goes hungry. Everyone deserves nurishment on all levels.
Thank you for hearing the call and we cant wait to see you there!!!
- The Communal Kitchen is a 9am-9pm supplemental meal option. Food is not guaranteed unless we all chip in. In case the communal kitchen is down or closed, everyone should have some food set back at their own camp in case they get hungry.
- There are no preset times for each meal. This is buffet style 9am-9pm. While supplies or volunteers last.
- The Communal Kitchen will have an area open 24 hours for ppl to cook for themselves individual meals.
- The kitchen is the heart of every home. Everyone has to eat so we should all do our part to make sure our family is fed. Please offer 5lbs. of healthy food, drinks or supplies. Volunteers are always welcome onsite. Two-hour shifts are recommended. Sign up to be an Earth Angel to help to feed our family. Anyone can sort, peel, cut, slice, dice, stir, flip, chop, serve, and wash. You don’t have to be a wiz in the kitchen, just the desire to be of service.

- Please help keep the galley, serving, and dish area tidy.
- Sharing conversation over food is a common bond we all share, We encourage everyone to meet new people here and this is a great place to find amazing people.
- Please ask how you can help – even a few minutes of your time is appreciated. Two-hour volunteer shifts are welcomed. This is a COMMUNAL KITCHEN. It takes a village to feed a village.
- We prefer to eat as ORGANIC as possible.
- Bring your own utensils, bowls, plates, coffee mugs, water bottles ect
- No pre-opened containers accepted.
- Bring donations to the communal kitchen upon arrival.

- We encourage people to prepare food ahead of time, in their campsite or with us in the communal kitchen instead of dropping off raw ingredients for volunteers to sort, wash, cut, peel, cook, serve and repeat. For instance- if you want to offer (example) broccoli salad – just double/triple the ingredients you would normally use then put the salad together as an offering. Think pot luck all weekend. We have large bowls, pots, pans, trays, utensils ect if needed onsite. Unique offerings are always welcome. (please no beans and rice – be original)
- Free clean filtered drinking water onsite
- Coffee and Chai will be served in AM (donations accepted) Bring your own mug.
- Healthy food is encouraged and organic is preferred.
- We will have a community dish service station and self-serve washing onsite.
- We ask everyone to bring personal food for camp in case the kitchen is not operating, food may not meet your dietary restrictions or we are out of food.

- No Dogs or unattended children allowed in the Kitchen
- ALWAYS CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELF!!!! Dishwashing stations will be onsite.
- We are striving for ZERO WASTE- use composting buckets and recycle bins accordingly. We had 1400 lbs of just food scraps diverted to compost last gathering! We need your help – please be mindful of your waste management.
- We encourage people to bring unique or original food items so we don’t eat beans and rice all weekend. Think outside the box.
- Financial donations can be made on Eventbrite or a cash donation box will be onsite.
- Most of our community is vegetarian or vegan so most of the foods donated fall in this category. Donated Meat will be cooked labeled and served separately.
- Foods that could have allergies like peanuts will be labeled and in their own area too
What do we want to see in the world?
Please add your name below to help regulate what items will be donated to the kitchen. Feel free to add your name next to someone else if you also want to bring that item. We appreciate pot luck style donations. Scroll down to see more
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