Volunteer Shifts
Help us fill the volunteer shifts by contributing a small amount of your time.
1. Please check the Sheet below to see available shifts and fill out the Shift Sign Up form to put your name on the list.
2. After signing up, if you haven't already, please fill out the Earth Angel Form to complete your sign up. Thank you for contributing to the community!
After Signing up for a shift:
To switch shifts or if you have questions about volunteer shifts, please message Ashleigh on Facebook or fill in the form below.

Welcoming new people to MFTP/making sure they feel welcomed and offering general information and directions.
Receive lost & found items, direct the flow of traffic, connect people with medical, field questions, and be the liaison between the public and MFTP lead positions. Encourage people to volunteer for shifts.
Parental support in Kidsville. (requires separate form)
Medical Trained in first aid/CPR etc. On stand by status in case of injury.
Help decorate the stage and the temples.